Tag Archives: jobs

Astrology: An Emotionally Charged Career

Astrology and Reiki references.
Wherever you find your moon sign in your birthchart is where you deal with your emotions. The moon represents our relationship with our Mother so we can tell a lot about what our Mother’s mentality was like with what house our moon is in. How your mum behaved can also be seen with the sign that your moon is in and this all reflects on you. To my basic understanding.
My moon is in the 9th house which is the house of travel and higher education. My mum in essence is supposed to have an “anywhere but here” mentality. This is accurate. This is then supposed to have an effect on my emotions, where, whenever I’m sad I want to go anywhere but here; if I am happy I want to go anywhere but here and express it.
This could explain my writing tendencies. I love to imagine, dream, research and report. And it’s like a need, so much so that if I don’t do it for a while, I get all pent up and restless. It seems like being gifted with an escape key in the world, especially in a world where expressing emotions was almost taboo as I was growing up. Or more that I was too private and paranoid about how I would be perceived to share them. By exploring feelings I was learning about psychology and the deeper meanings of life. I needed to express them to understand them, and to treat them with any less attention would be stifling.
Therefore, it makes sense that after I write I feel free and restored.
However, the catch comes when we monitor my energy; when I do reiki or I receive reiki from others, it is usually my feet, knees and root chakras that need the most work. My heart is often suffering too and I wonder now if this is all connected.
Our knees can store up energy from the past- all those times we’ve repressed our feelings or suffered without the tools to outlet what our bodies had needed from us at the time, we push right down there.
Our root chakra is tied to our sense of security, home and belonging.
Our feet are our tether to earth and we can receive earth energy through them which feels comforting and sustaining, but a lot more hardened and heavy than the energy that we channel for reiki (the universal healing energy) which uplifts, soothes and releases.
One can assume then, that I always need work with my root and feet because I am too far away in my escape world to feel grounded. Or perhaps it’s that my need to be anywhere but here is not entitling me to a feeling of belonging. Perhaps I need to write more to achieve a feeling of belonging, assuming that security doesn’t necessarily mean a place, but a state.
Psychologically speaking, when our bodies store trauma, we need to release this stored energy by acting out our survival responses that we failed to complete at the time that our trauma took place. Exercise is a great outlet.
In this context, perhaps there is more to be said about how my emotions work and need to be expressed frequently in this oppressed manner. By this I mean that much like with the above commonality with acting on instincts as and when it’s necessary, I should have the skill to do this more with my emotions and my escape key- based on my energetic state during reiki.
My moon is in Leo which means that I express myself vividly and dramatically and that I need to do it anywhere but here and so it seems as though the arts are the way to go.
Or running towards the arts.
I always thought my perfect career would be in the arts, caring for others who struggle to understand and express their emotions, or activity based. All encompass expression and release. But perhaps this outlet to express my emotions isn’t the best thing to base a profession on? For the reason that it is merely a need. The more I need, the more I do. The less I need, the less I do. It’s a fine balance to be achieved all the time and dependent on my emotional state!
As for my heart chakra, I am always told it is stored behind glass. Perhaps these emotions I keep so secretly, and express so loudly but privately in writing need to be shared. Perhaps then these chakras will all flow as they should.

I am still searching for my dream career that enables me to feel happy and settled. Perhaps I need to focus on achieving this balance? Or perhaps I need to recognise it’s a need that fulfills me, being only for me, and look at what I can do for the world that fulfils me, but is mainly for them?

That way I can create all the time.

What do you think in regards to your chart, energy and drives in your life?