Jesus Christ, Pose

Writing Prompt: Song Title

An old man with his jaw set
speaks up ‘n’ points fingers
lets it be known ‘e’s upset
ee’arr table, what ya doin’ wobblin’
me cuppa’s a fallin’
ya filthy sod
I see that eye made of wood on ya surface
watchin’ me, Jesus Christ, ya poser!
Ey lady sellin’ clothes, I see ya
dirty frown
Thinks ya customers’re stealin’
cause it’s posh in ‘ere ‘n’ I’m a reekin’
stickin’ ya nose up
Jesus Christ, ya poser!
Me socks’re wet from the puddle below
the rain didn’ warn me it’d fall
I pull up me trousers, a man calls
“wit woo”
I growl, “these ain’t for you!”
‘e laughs wiv ‘is mates, closer ‘n’ closer
me fist wags, “Jesus Christ, ya posers!”
Yer just ‘andin’ me money for the camera
I ain’t moving for the shop keeper
‘e asks me how I feed me sad ol’ pup
thinkin’ me low cause ‘e’s got ten at home
“Jesus Christ,” I say but I’s interrupted, ah hell
The man that made me cuppa comes
“Ey, my dog, you stole him!”
I wheeze ‘n’ reply, “you’d let me fend for meself.”
What comes next, I knows it
a finger he throws up
“Jesus Christ,” he says
‘n’ storms off, “ya poser!”

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