Tag Archives: expression

Astrology: Fanning Your Flames

They say the mission in life is to peel back the mask of the ascendant and behave more like your sun sign. If you’re sad, you look to your sun sign for clues on how to feel happy.

It is a common case that a lot of us can’t relate to the description of our sun signs alone. It’s hard to believe in astrology when the information doesn’t line up. However, our birth chart paints a more complex picture:

We have our mask- Ascendant
Our thought and speech process- Mercury
Our unity and love styles- Venus
Our assertion and conflict styles- Mars
Our emotions and inner world- Moon
Our disciplines and restrictions- Saturn
Our expansion and abundance- Jupiter
Our psychic receptivity and subconscious- Neptune
Our buried truths and their revival- Pluto
And at the heart of it all, we have our ego- Sun

Something I read a long time ago has always stuck with me “If you want to know what you should be doing with your life, look back to when you were nine years old. At that age you were the truest version of yourself.”

Along the way, things get confusing as we navigate the world and there’s a shift from “This is how life affects me” to “This is how I affect life”.

How, then, can we make ourselves happy with our sun sign?

You’ll want to know: your sun sign, where your sun is in your chart and what house it sits in.

Speaking out loud, read the following:

I need to:
Aries- Get excited (Take a risk, get physical, compete, start something new, adventure)
Taurus- Ground self (indulge senses, get physical, be in nature, nurture friends & family)
Gemini- Be free (Seek, explore, travel, express, learn, talk, play)
Cancer- Continue (build shelter, plant seeds, nurture, walk, plan, discuss)
Leo- Build confidence (Perform, express, achieve, help, develop, laugh)
Virgo- Admire own efforts (Reflect, orchestrate, solve a problem, improve, arrange)
Libra- Beautify (Design, decorate, capture, create, express, harmonise)
Scorpio- Empowerment (Uncover, journey, listen, nutrition/exercise, follow instincts)
Sagittarius- Stay hopeful (Try, travel, adventure, experience, stay open)
Capricorn- Respect self (cook, journal, sleep, nurture body, join a club/enjoy a hobby)
Aquarius- Be unique (Do the unexpected, rebel, philosophise, seek different)
Pisces- Feel intimate (Host an event, socialise, spend time with animals, journal)

1st House: Using self-resources
2nd House: Material goods
3rd House: Communication
4th House: The home
5th House: Having childlike fun
6th House: Servitude
7th House: A long term goal
8th House: Reinvention
9th House: Exploration/ travel
10th House: Public platforms
11th House: The community
12th House: Spirituality/ faith

So if we know our sun sign and what makes us happy, we can support this with tools:
our first house is the self, therefore the second house is what our value is.

We learn our value when we receive gifts. If we receive a cooking kit, we learn that we’re good for cooking etc.

We need to back up our identity with material goods.

So in honour of the 1st and 2nd house, I challenge you to not only come up with a gift that would perfectly suit yourself. But also, think of a gift that would highly support someone else!

This is why I love birthdays!

Astrology: An Emotionally Charged Career

Astrology and Reiki references.
Wherever you find your moon sign in your birthchart is where you deal with your emotions. The moon represents our relationship with our Mother so we can tell a lot about what our Mother’s mentality was like with what house our moon is in. How your mum behaved can also be seen with the sign that your moon is in and this all reflects on you. To my basic understanding.
My moon is in the 9th house which is the house of travel and higher education. My mum in essence is supposed to have an “anywhere but here” mentality. This is accurate. This is then supposed to have an effect on my emotions, where, whenever I’m sad I want to go anywhere but here; if I am happy I want to go anywhere but here and express it.
This could explain my writing tendencies. I love to imagine, dream, research and report. And it’s like a need, so much so that if I don’t do it for a while, I get all pent up and restless. It seems like being gifted with an escape key in the world, especially in a world where expressing emotions was almost taboo as I was growing up. Or more that I was too private and paranoid about how I would be perceived to share them. By exploring feelings I was learning about psychology and the deeper meanings of life. I needed to express them to understand them, and to treat them with any less attention would be stifling.
Therefore, it makes sense that after I write I feel free and restored.
However, the catch comes when we monitor my energy; when I do reiki or I receive reiki from others, it is usually my feet, knees and root chakras that need the most work. My heart is often suffering too and I wonder now if this is all connected.
Our knees can store up energy from the past- all those times we’ve repressed our feelings or suffered without the tools to outlet what our bodies had needed from us at the time, we push right down there.
Our root chakra is tied to our sense of security, home and belonging.
Our feet are our tether to earth and we can receive earth energy through them which feels comforting and sustaining, but a lot more hardened and heavy than the energy that we channel for reiki (the universal healing energy) which uplifts, soothes and releases.
One can assume then, that I always need work with my root and feet because I am too far away in my escape world to feel grounded. Or perhaps it’s that my need to be anywhere but here is not entitling me to a feeling of belonging. Perhaps I need to write more to achieve a feeling of belonging, assuming that security doesn’t necessarily mean a place, but a state.
Psychologically speaking, when our bodies store trauma, we need to release this stored energy by acting out our survival responses that we failed to complete at the time that our trauma took place. Exercise is a great outlet.
In this context, perhaps there is more to be said about how my emotions work and need to be expressed frequently in this oppressed manner. By this I mean that much like with the above commonality with acting on instincts as and when it’s necessary, I should have the skill to do this more with my emotions and my escape key- based on my energetic state during reiki.
My moon is in Leo which means that I express myself vividly and dramatically and that I need to do it anywhere but here and so it seems as though the arts are the way to go.
Or running towards the arts.
I always thought my perfect career would be in the arts, caring for others who struggle to understand and express their emotions, or activity based. All encompass expression and release. But perhaps this outlet to express my emotions isn’t the best thing to base a profession on? For the reason that it is merely a need. The more I need, the more I do. The less I need, the less I do. It’s a fine balance to be achieved all the time and dependent on my emotional state!
As for my heart chakra, I am always told it is stored behind glass. Perhaps these emotions I keep so secretly, and express so loudly but privately in writing need to be shared. Perhaps then these chakras will all flow as they should.

I am still searching for my dream career that enables me to feel happy and settled. Perhaps I need to focus on achieving this balance? Or perhaps I need to recognise it’s a need that fulfills me, being only for me, and look at what I can do for the world that fulfils me, but is mainly for them?

That way I can create all the time.

What do you think in regards to your chart, energy and drives in your life?

Philosophy: Highly Sensitive

I’m a creative 24 year old in a job that clashes with my values, and out of a relationship where once again I was misunderstood; where I was not appreciated for the depth in which I felt and my body responded to things. In all fairness I hadn’t understood this about myself either, and therefore if I was unable to accept what it was then I couldn’t own it and set boundaries for myself.

I am a highly sensitive person.

An example of my response to outside stimuli can be shown from a memory when I was around 10 years old, and watching Pirates of the Caribbean at my best friend’s house. It was the scene where Elizabeth had just been proposed to, and her corset was too tight preventing her from easily breathing. She fainted and fell into the sea where the medallion touched the water for the first time. What follows is a thud much like a heartbeat, as the medallion calls out to the crew of the black pearl and I felt the sound manifest inside my own chest. I felt it take over my own heartbeat, convincing me that my heart was going to plummet out of my chest. I became so overwhelmed that I had to leave the room and practice my breathing outside of the door for a few minutes. I didn’t think much of it at the time, as you don’t with your experiences growing up. I just knew I couldn’t handle being around that sound but I didn’t know why. This was a big sign that I was a highly sensitive person and the ability to have acknowledged this would have saved me from further difficulties in life. Not only in my teenage years and all of the confusion that accompanies it, but also in my relationships and friendships as an adult.

Most people, when witnessing me as I am in free expression with my emotions tend to disregard how I’m feeling. I’m labelled too sensitive; that I’m taking things too personally or the wrong way, or I have once freaked out a boy I was dating for laughing hysterically one minute and then being brought to tears by his critical words and rejection the next. The truth is that my nervous system is extra sensitive. Whether or not anyone has good intentions or bad intentions, I will respond to whatever tone or energy their words possess: negative or positive, as though inside I feel something rot, or I receive a bolt of warmth and electricity. I have never been a fan of ‘banter’ haha, and even the word ‘lover’ used by members of my family would push me to leave the room because I felt all the stimuli that entails an experience of having a lover. Wrong context for family members.

I’m sure most people experience the physical effects of sadness and happiness within their bodies too- right in their heart when someone they care for is sad. Or the adrenaline over their heart at something that means a lot to them. But where maybe they are able to see through other’s perspectives and judge whether or not a feeling is required, I struggle. I am too overwhelmed to think in any logical terms. The biggest task is explaining myself when I couldn’t before. Before I had blamed the person I was with for being too negative or insensitive or inconsiderate. This wasn’t fair because from their level of perception they weren’t- things just don’t have the same impact on them as they do to me. Expressing myself had always seemed like disrupting the peace, or being awkward, or creating tense situations. Nobody could give validation to how I was feeling because they were judging the situation from their own perception and so my feelings were an overreaction, or ridiculous and unnecessary. This caused damage to my self esteem and prevented me from freely expressing myself to others who weren’t already close. I’ve always kept people at a distance and myself to myself, and growing up I provided people with a character as a substitute for my real personality- as a form of self-protection. This was only damaging me further. When my Dad passed away at 17 I retreated into myself and shut people out further- how could I lay out a wound so huge and complicated and fresh when my feelings in general were already invalid? I rejected my own feelings. I demanded myself to feel certain ways so that I could be ‘right’. It was very unhealthy.

I have my first relationship to thank for my breakthrough, because for the first time since being a teenager I was allowed to express how I felt to someone outside of my family. Opening this door was intense and I reasoned away the magnitude of it by telling myself: ‘its just been repressed for so long that I’m feeling everything twice as much.’ But it felt amazing! I felt like I was becoming the person I had always been, as if I was finally fitting into my skin with ease, and growth did start to happen. It wasn’t without it’s negative sides but even expressing them was a step forward.

So now, at 24, after writing a novel on oppression and a misunderstood character in a critical and closed minded society; writing songs about feeling so much that Ibecome burned out; writing diaries about desperately seeking to be understood and be treated right, after everyone challenged me by telling me that I had a thing about being treated well; they said I already was, I was just looking at everything wrongly. I didn’t have a thing- they just didn’t understand the depths of it. I’ve finally learned what being a highly sensitive person is and as a result my confidence in myself to handle people and situations has grown. I feel a little more empowered.

What being a highly sensitive person means:
Needing to have feelings validated
Noticing changes in moods and environments
Physically feeling broken, cracked, overwhelmed, rot, pangs, disruption, inner screams that feel like they’ll tear through your body and shake off your skin when witnessing an injustice.
Feeling as though you have two hearts when in love and feeling on the brink of losing control

When I was about 9 years old a boy had been dropped callously on his back after two other boys thought it would be funny to swing him around in a game recklessly. An ambulance had to be called and everyone rushed to the scene on the playground to see it, except for me. I had seen and felt the thud. The horrible tone of the act was too muchfor me to face and I hid in the bathroom where I didn’t mention the incident to anyone and stayed there for a very long time, trying to stay away from anything that reminded me of that tone. It felt like my world was crashing, and my safety was threatened. It felt uncertain and terrifying that something like this could happen, that people could be capable of doing this. I could not bare to think of the injured party and what feelings of inadequacy he was going through. It had a big impact with its universal semantics and I instantly felt the emotional and mental consequences of the injured party as if it was happening to me right now and not to him in the distant future after all was said and done. I could see the repercussions as if they were waves coursing through the atmosphere. Most of the time these don’t happen, thankfully. But to me the worry was very much present.

Just three weeks ago at work, I watched a manager physically assault a staff member by tripping him up so that he landed flat on his back after being aggravated. This resulted in the staff member having a grazed arm and experiencing humiliation and vulnerability. Nobody responded to it, except for me. I told the manager it was unacceptable, went to higher management to report the incident and when it was handled with disregard I felt like I was in an intense raindrop with a threatening splash surrounding me that was a substitute for my actual skin. I was shaking, I was angry and my mind could not move past the moment. I hid in the bathroom again, and then decided to express my concerns to higher management about the whole thing. He did not understand what it had to do with me. I could not believe he could not understand. I talked about safety at work, trust, responsibility, emotional and mental damages and if left, a dent in the victim’s self esteem. I knew that if justice was not served, the injured party would begin to feel trapped and without a voice. I couldn’t bare the spirit of a living creature being put out like this. Afterwards I decided to go home, unable to accept the injustice and carry on working in that environment, alongside the assaulting manager, and for managers with little compassion expressed for their staff.

I am incredibly lucky to have a powerhouse, supportive mother who never shunned me or rejected me when I came to her to confess or express hard, unwanted feelings. I was never disrespected or invalidated by my mother. I have yet to fully express to her what a gift this is to me, and how deeply grateful I am to receive this acceptance and understanding. I have two best friends who also give me this same support. More than anything they are so very, very valuable and amazing people, and I can fully appreciate them now.


If someone in your life appears to be overreacting, perhaps try to take a moment to understand their experience. If you are the one being told that you are overreacting, find the courage to accept your experience and own yourself. Be calm, kind and clear. Explain how you work and set boundaries, limit exposure to negative stimuli without apologies. You don’t have to change or fit a mould, you only have to take care of yourself. Most of all, never allow anybody’s self esteem to be damaged. Respect everyone and treat everyone with kindness. If you don’t receive that treatment from someone, it’s better to walk away from them. It’s what you deserve and you shouldn’t have to accept any less.
Sending love to my readers.

YOU TEACH OTHERS HOW TO TREAT YOU, don’t ever forget that.