Tag Archives: encouragement

Critical Perspective: When The Process Seems Never-Ending

The obsession that comes with writing is so fulfilling! Unfortunately you can be so desperate to reach the finish line, the road ahead seems impossible; it twists, it loops, it climbs, it sprouts different avenues and changes colours. If our minds are constantly taking in new information, it makes sense for us to keep coming up with new ideas. Our work may never really be finished to us but this can be helped!

The beauty of creativity is that it’s continuous. Let us celebrate that for a minute. The beauty of a story is that it has a clear beginning and end. Therefore, we need to understand what story we’re telling; what’s the tone? What do the characters need to experience and learn? What’s their dream? What needs to be changed about their environment? What is the moral of the story? What impact does it need to have?

To stop you writing yourself around in circles, you need that kind of structure. You need to be the disciplined parent to your excited imagination. Let it play! Let it colour outside of the lines! But when it has a duty to uphold, set some deadlines and boundaries. Work as a team with yourself and remember to check in with others too, so that nothing is getting lost in translation. After all, isn’t your story for the world’s benefit? It may be for you and you need to hear what you’re saying; but it could also be bigger and reach a larger audience. Give it some purpose and watch it transform.

The pleasure is in the whole journey.