Tag Archives: character profiles

Critical Perspective: Writer’s Tactics

Without realizing it; I have made it so that I am constantly looking in the direction of my character’s profiles; I set up my own little work station in mine and my partner’s little couple’s flat and was extremely proud of it:

There wasn’t much space but there was enough to create a visual box for myself and that’s what I did. So I drew out my characters onto paper with a list of their physical attributes and personality traits and I stuck them all on the window, still yet to make more for the rest of my characters. Now, without the initial intention, I’m constantly looking towards the window and ultimately being reminded about them. Seeing them in such a visual way helps me to understand them better for the sake of body language and inner and outer image, and motivations. It also makes them seem a little more real.

So here is a picture of my character’s profiles on the window (I’m very proud):

From top left, along: Cassandra, Faith.
Sathe, Sanity, Lucy.
Trust, Malc.

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Additional insights into the characters:
Cassandra- grew up on a farm, and is the second eldest child. She is positive, and nurturing but has a wicked sense of humour.
Faith- Accomplished in the arts, and is the eldest child but she takes on the role of mother in the absence of her own. She is sensible and reprimanding, but also flirtatious, fun, and slightly narcissistic.
Sathe- Loyal friend and generous, however studious and analytical. Ambitions revolve around solving mysteries. Charming, organised and logical.
Sanity- Eccentric and expressive, Sanity is a mentor. She is peculiar and curious but compassionate. Surprising nature.
Lucy- Immediately aware and fascinated. Logical and numeric. Lucy is mildly autistic and has an obsession for frog ponds and lily pads. Doesn’t completely grasp emotional dilemmas but is quick to point out the bigger picture.
Trust- Tested and traumatised, Trust has earned her name from Sanity for her reluctance to show trust. Her real name is Angela. She is agile and dry humoured and prefers to learn about people from a distance.
Malc- Malc is known for being secretive and emotionally unpredictable. He has a strong build and a private history, causing conflicts for Trust when he becomes her partner in a task.