Category Archives: Healing

Astrology: Potential Leo Interception Relief In The Cancer-Leo Cusp?

For those of you that have the sign of Leo intercepted in your chart, you’re used to having to answer to Cancer before you can proceed forward- Not in all areas of life, just the ones where the interception occurs.

You want to grab the microphone and share jokes because Leo lives in your 5th house of fun. But Cancer says someone wants peace and quiet and their feelings are more important than yours.

You want to show off your new look because Leo lives in your 1st house of self-identity. But Cancer screams that your audience aren’t interested and you get overwhelmed by feelings of insignificance.

With an interception there is a delay in expressing our inner-nature. When Cancer is in charge of the house that should have been ruled by Leo, we are always at the mercy of our emotional wounds, and the frightening, potential reactions of those around us. It is not simply easy to be unapologetically ourselves when we soak in the ocean of our inner world. We can feel guilty for being “selfish” or “inconsiderate” if we sense that our expressions bother people. We might even feel “irrelevant” to a conformist, “inconvenient” to an authoritarian, or “unworthy” to someone who feels they are better than us. They don’t have to say it after a period of time; we get pretty good at reading emotional clues.

Depending on your belief system, this interception could be good for us; perhaps there was an extreme the other way in childhood and we were arrogant, so it does us well to comprehend the impact of our behaviour on others. Or maybe we are a victim of an incompatible environment/era, so social constructs prevent us from developing our inner-nature further. Perhaps it’s just our luck and we ought to work with what we’ve got. Either way, it’s possible that a new, blended ruler is soon to reign and we’ve just been waiting for an energetic opportunity to turn our tension on its head.

During this July Cusp, it is Leo that will be taking over from the energy of Cancer rather than seeking permission from it.

In general terms, this means that Cancer has provided a secure, nurturing home for childlike play to commence. But what could this seasonal nuance mean for you?

Depending on how far you are on your journey, you may have already decided that you’ve spent enough time under the weight of your environment. You know who you are and how you want to vibrate after self-work and study. You understand how your behaviour impacts others and you’ve made a judgement that your very nature out-wins this one: this time period, right now. You are not ignorant of your surroundings but you may have noticed an imbalance. You may have felt even more oppressed than usual, so things must be extreme on the surface. Or maybe you’ve simply decided to take ownership of yourself to break limitations.

The mature lion is facing the watered-down crab and making it clear he’s not backing down. The crab, although guarded, sees the wisdom in the lion’s eyes, and the soft arch of his shoulders translates as respect with defiance. The Cancer ruler knows it’s time to step aside, because really, the lion was in charge all along. As they meet on equal levels, they both join together to transform into something powerful.

You do not only resemble the crab and it’s intuitive, watchful, caring ways. And you do not only resemble the lion and it’s boast of creative wealth, fun-loving nature and confidence.

You are now graceful: you are large but not predatory; magnificent but not self-important; peaceful but formidable, and poised but free.

You resemble the swan. You have found a way to co-exist while standing up for what’s yours instinctively. It does not do us good to deny our nature to appease others. At some point we have to learn to trust ourselves and hold our heads high.

We can glide down paths that feel intuitively right for us because we’re good at feeling out situations. We can boldly move through the darkness because we recognise what we bring to the table.

Maybe this cusp will be a shift for us, and give us a taste of what it’s like to roam free in the area of life where we usually feel stifled.

Astrology: Leo Cancer Cusp: Cautiously Roaring

Set your intentions for free expression and environmental harmony!

We’re approaching the Leo Cancer cusp now, starting 19th July – 25th July. The proud, regal lion blends with the slippery, current curbing crab.

If the crab can leave his shell to stand upon the stage, he will be demanding that his value be seen because he can acknowledge his own; he can hunt for his desires because he can see that he deserves to be happy; he wont feel weighed down by emotions because he will believe he has a right to have them and casually let them go. By discarding the fear that holds him back from owning his power, he will trust outside of his shell a little more.

If the lion can step back and observe, he can feel the thumping heart of the scared mouse he toys with like it’s his own fear; he can sense the driving passions of his prey like it’s his own joy; he can recognise that some voices are louder in silence because they are life-altering secrets. By discarding the ego that holds him back from seeing through the eyes of others, he will understand the energies around him a little more.

This is a powerful time for those of us that are feeling an imbalance of generous, creative freedom and defensive, self-protection; of loving fiercely and soaking in our feelings from a distance. We always need balance! Are you doing more gallivanting than side-stepping? Are you hearing your own voice less than you’re feeling lost in the needs of others? Are you feeling more attention than privacy? If extremes are noted, stability is not promised.

What would be the advice of the blended lioncrab?

“To feel safe is to feel expressive, and to feel lit up is to feel in harmony with the world around you. Nurture yourself by recognising your importance.”

If you have a Leo interception in a house ruled by Cancer; your energies in this area might shift into place and click at this time. Fingers crossed! Pay attention to what you feel energetically and whether you detect anything new that allows you to move forward like you haven’t been able to before.

Spirituality: Empathy

I think we all feel like this shed right now, don’t we?

Has anyone tried putting their hands on a tree and picking up energy? It’s like watching someone expressing an emotion and it triggers an emotion in you, so you can experience it too.

Today I touched a couple of trees. Both were strong; the first was clawing out at me, heavy and aching. I translated the energy as pain as it was desperate and uncomfortable. The second was sharp, high pitched- not sound-wise but in terms of operating on a too-high frequency energy to be comfortable for me. I recognised the energy as fear, as when I’m afraid, everything is too much, on edge, panicky, dreadful and alarming. It was like alarm bells. It made me very sad and stayed with me even after I walked away.

What do you guys feel around you right now? How is the energy? What’s going on?

I hope you’re all well and safe and staying strong.